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“Sofandi hundar” 2022
“Sleeping dogs” 2022
112 x 630 cm

(Up)rooted, Galerija Arka, Vilnius, Lithuania. Part of the Common Ground project.

Ég byrjaði að safna myndum af sofandi hundum í Tbilisi í Georgíu vorið 2019 og hélt áfram í Gori og Batumi. Síðan hafa bæst í safnið myndir frá Egyptaland,i Íslandi, Póllandi og Litháen. Bæði teknar af mér en einnig sendar mér af vinum.

I started collecting photos of sleeping dogs in Tbilisi, Georgia in the spring of 2019 and continued in Gori and Batumi. Since then the collection has grown with photos from Egypt, Iceland, Poland and Lithuania. Both shot by me or sent to me by friends.

“Rubber duck” 2021
Common Ground á Korpúlfsstöðum 2021
Bátur, vatn, árar, gúmmí önd
Boat, water, oars, rubber duck

Árið 1992 lenti flutningaskip á leiðinni frá Kína til Seattle í stormi Kyrrahafinu og missti fyrir borð 12 gáma. Gámarnir voru fullir af gúmmíöndum og öðrum baðleikföngum. Farmurinn hefur nú dreifst um heimshöfin. Sumar gúmmíendurnar hafa farið norðvestur leiðina, verið fastar í ís yfir vetur og fundist á ströndum Atlantshafsins, á Írlandi, Bandaríkjunum og víðar. Það má gera ráð fyrir að einhverjum hafi skolað á land á Íslandi þó að ekki hafi það verið staðfest. Fundirnir og fundartímarnir hafa haft áhrif á hugmyndir haffræðinga um strauma í höfunum.

Það var líka árið 1992 að ég kynntist íslenskum rithöfundi. Þetta var stutt og ánægjuleg viðkynning. Hann birtist öllum að óvörum í Amsterdam, þar sem ég bjó þá. Sameiginlegir vinir okkar voru í burtu og það kom í minn hlut að finna manninum næturstað. Það var ekki auðvelt því að einhver stóratburður var í gangi í borginni og fá hótelherbergi á lausu. Við fundum að lokum eitt og kvöddumst.
Rithöfundurinn hafði verið mikið á sjó og margar bækur hans fjölluðu um sjómenn og siglingar. Þegar ég kom að hitta hann morguninn eftir til þess að lóðsa hann í lestina til Maastricht hafði hann dáið í baðkarinu á hótelherberginu.
In 1992, a cargo ship travelling from China to Seattle was caught in a storm in the Pacific and 12 containers were lost overboard. These containers were full of rubber ducks and other bath toys. The cargo has now travelled across the world’s seas. Some rubber ducks have taken the Northwest Passage, became trapped in the ice over winter and were found on the shores of the Atlantic, in Ireland, the US and elsewhere. It may be assumed that several washed ashore in Iceland though this has not been confirmed. When and where they were found has influenced oceanologists’ understanding of sea currents.

That same year, 1992, I met an Icelandic author. It was a short and pleasant acquaintance. His sudden appearance in Amsterdam, where I was living at the time, caught everyone by surprise. Our mutual friends were away and it fell to me to find him a place for the night. Because of some big event taking place in the city, it proved difficult to find an available hotel room. Finally, we found one and said goodbye.
This author had worked on ships and many of his books dealt with fishermen and sailing. When I came to meet him the next morning to direct him to the train to Maastricht, he had died in his hotel bath tub.

“Lampi” / “Lamp”
Plastbrúsar, 360 gráðu neon ljós slanga inni í plexigler röri og inni í efri hálf gegnsæa brúsanum.
Hæð 202 cm

“The feast” 2019

Gobelin tapestry 200 x 270 cm. Based on an old Icelandic riddle that says: “I sat and ate while being eaten. What I sat on ate and was being eaten.”

Photographic assistance by Eliso Tsintsabadze and Pavel Filkov. Woven by Quality Tapestries, Cal. USA

“The exhibition at Sveinungsvík”

32 photographs 140 x 400 cm. 27 x 40 cm each photo without frame. An exhibition of white abstract sculpures was held in october 2018, in the sheep pen of Árni Gunnarsson, farmer at Sveinungsvík in north east Iceland. The exhibition was documented by Simone de Greef.

Edition of 20. Nr 1 – 5 only available as a whole.

“The exhibition at Sveinungsvík”

Photo. 27 x 40 cm.

“The exhibition at Sveinungsvík”

Photo. 27 x 40 cm.